Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, locks are provided upon rental or with a lock cut fee.
  • El Camino Storage helps to take care of your belongings. We have electronic gates and doors with coded access, recorded video surveillance, alarmed fenced premises, and well-lit facilities. 

  • We review our competitor’s rates in the City of Santa Clara daily. We then adjust our unit rates so as to provide the best rates in Santa Clara for that day.
  • Rates are reviewed every six months. Usual adjustments are between zero and ten percent.
  • We do not sell boxes, however we collect boxes daily and if available, are given to our customers, free of charge upon request.
  • Smoking is not allowed in the units or buildings. Designated smoking area are 20’ away from any building, unit or door way.
  • In our opinion no storage facility in Santa Clara even comes close to our record. This is due to each of our facilities having in excess of 100 high-definition cameras that record for many days.  We have code access, excellent lighting, building and fence alarms. In most cases we can track from the street to movements within the yard and building and back to the street.
  • Both Outside and public access areas are well lit with modern LED lights.
  • There is one blue lighted after hour emergency phone available at each facility. Their use is strictly to summon, police, fire and medical help only.
  • Unlike other facilities where there is only one door to enter and then you have to walk some distance to get to your unit, we have multiple roll up door entrances. For the most part, exit distance from the door to your unit is less than 150’.
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